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moving average method中文是什么意思

用"moving average method"造句"moving average method"怎么读"moving average method" in a sentence


  • 移动拟合法
  • 移动平均法


  • Moving average method
  • In order to obtain the digital base map of the field , different mapping techniques were compared . single point repeat positioning - average and continuously positioning - moving average methods were designed for gps mapping
    比较分析了农田电子地图的主要测绘技术,设计了gps测绘中单点重复定位? ?求平均,以及连续定位? ?移动平均等定位数据的处理方法。
  • Due to the existing volatility , stochastic and dynamic properties of cash flow , this paper employs exponential smoothing method and moving average method to eliminate the effects of the stochastic factors , use the seasonal exponent to eliminate the seasonal volatility of the cash flow , the exponent curve and polynomial fitting curve to estimate the overall cash flow and also provides the calculating methods and identifying principle of the overall cash flow
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